skin treatment before and after

Dr. Greco has developed an innovative pairing that helps you maximize the results of skin rejuvenation while minimizing downtime. Combining treatments in this unique way, his regenerative skin resurfacing combination is as follows:


SmartXide Tetra CO2 Laser: The SmartXide Tetra CO2 offers unparalleled control, surpassing other CO2 devices. Whether you want CoolPeel® (a minimal downtime, full facial treatment) or deeper ablation for fine lines, wrinkles, and scars; the Tetra laser ensures unmatched precision for acne scars, wrinkles, dark spots, sunspots, and more.


OATH™ (Oxygen Amplified Therapy): A crucial component of all LaserPeel treatments is Oxygen Amplified Therapy (OATH™). Oxygen levels decrease with age, contributing to skin damage and aging. OATH™ enhances metabolically active cells, promoting tissue regeneration, collagen synthesis, skin hydration, and healing. Delivering concentrated oxygen and nutrients through OATH™ optimizes CoolPeel and Tetra CO2 laser resurfacing results.


Growth Factors: The Golden LaserPeel and Platinum LaserPeel incorporate elevated concentrations of your growth factors to provide a revitalizing boost to the treatment. Growth factors activate stem cells, keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells, stimulating regenerative processes that result in vibrant, smooth, and healthier skin.The Platinum Laser Peel incorporates regenerative Exosomes packed with highly concentrated bioactive molecules to regenerate all levels of the skin. 

 Anti-Inflammatory Proteins: Essential components of the Golden LaserPeel and Platinum LaserPeel; these anti-inflammatory proteins work by counteracting harmful inflammation associated with premature aging. This inflammatory inhibition restores a harmonious and natural environment, facilitating wound healing.


Collagen Mask: A soothing collagen mask is promptly applied during post-treatment cooling to hydrate the skin and alleviate redness and discomfort. The heightened collagen levels contribute to skin healing, supporting tissue repair and regeneration. This calming procedure is an excellent conclusion to your resurfacing experience at Greco Dermatology.


before and after pictures

Why Choose Greco Hair Restoration

Led by the Greco family, Greco Hair Restoration has been highly acclaimed for delivering outstanding treatments and extraordinary outcomes to patients desiring to recapture their quality of life. With more than four decades of experience in the hair restoration and skin rejuvenation industry, you can trust you are in the best care possible with Dr. Greco. Call Greco Hair Restoration today to speak about skin rejuvenation options!

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