Dr. performing a surgical hair procedure

One question frequently asked by our patients at Greco Hair Restoration is about the technology that sets us apart. We relish the opportunity to discuss the innovative tools that elevate our practice. In the ever-changing field of hair restoration, our use of the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) system is pivotal for achieving natural, successful outcomes. 

While each system has its pros and cons, we encourage patients to ask their clinicians, "Why do you prefer the system you currently use?" This question opens the door to understanding the expertise and precision that define our approach. So, with that in mind, let’s dive into a brief exploration of why this system can help you get the results you deserve. 

The WAW FUE System

At Greco Hair Restoration, we utilize the WAW FUE System, a state-of-the-art technology that significantly enhances the effectiveness and precision of hair restoration. This advanced system incorporates several innovative features, setting it apart from other FUE systems and ultimately leading to superior results for our patients. Let’s delve into how it operates and why it stands out:

Hybrid Tornado Punch

A cornerstone of the WAW FUE System is the Hybrid Tornado Punch. This unique tool combines the benefits of both sharp and blunt punches, enabling our skilled surgeons to perform deeper extractions with minimal trauma to the surrounding tissue. This dual-action punch allows for a more efficient and minimally invasive extraction process, ensuring the donor area's preservation and maintaining the hair follicles' integrity. By reducing trauma, the Hybrid Tornado Punch contributes to a quicker recovery and less visible scarring, which are crucial for achieving natural-looking results.

Innovative Design Features

The WAW FUE System is distinguished by its "bugle-shaped tip" punch, designed to flare outward and limit transection, thereby enhancing the precision and accuracy of follicle extraction. This unique shape reduces the risk of damaging the follicles during extraction, which is vital for maintaining their viability and quality.

Moreover, the system's oscillation movement—moving forward and backward rather than rotating in a single direction—further minimizes the risk of follicular transection. This innovative approach allows for a gentler and more precise extraction, preserving the maximum number of healthy follicles. These design features collectively ensure that the harvested follicles are of the highest quality, leading to more successful and natural-looking hair restoration outcomes.

Why We Choose the WAW FUE System

While numerous FUE systems are available, the WAW FUE System's advanced technology and innovative design features make it the preferred choice at Greco Hair Restoration. Our commitment to using the latest and most efficient instrumentation reflects our dedication to providing the best possible care and results for our patients. By asking your clinician why they prefer a particular system, you can gain insight into the expertise and precision that drive their approach to hair restoration. 

Experience You Can Trust

Simply put, at Greco Hair Restoration, we prioritize the use of cutting-edge systems like the WAW FUE System to ensure that our patients receive the highest standard of care and the best possible results. We believe that the combination of advanced technology and skilled artistry is essential for achieving natural, aesthetically pleasing hair restoration. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our approach to hair restoration, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your satisfaction and confidence in our procedures are our top priorities.

Before and only 7 months after 1 treatment session with Bio Enhanced Follicular Unit Extraction (Bio-FUE)

Before and after picturesBefore and after pictures

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