Joseph F. Greco, PhD, PA/C was a keynote speaker at the First International Congress on the State-of-The-Art PRP and Growth Factors in Dermatology meeting in Milan, Italy January 21-22, 2011. Over two hundred Dermatologists, Plastic Surgeons, Oral surgeons from Europe, the Middle East and Asia attended the conference that was sponsored The International Hair Foundation and Chairman Fabio Rinadi, MD of Milan.
Sixty participants came from abroad (from India, the USA, Turkey, Germany, Spain).
Of the speakers, 19 were from Italy, all of them remarkable researchers, while 4 were international experts (Joe Greco from the USA, Jorge Planas from Spain, Zlotogorsky from Israel, Eduardo Anitua from Spain, 27 scientific reports, 6 round-table discussions, 4 articles published in the most important media and 1 radio interview with Radio 24, 5 international congresses introduced by their own organizers Dr Greco has pioneered Bio-enhanced surgical and non-surgical growth factor therapy in hair restoration, including patent pending cellular technology in hair multiplication. Dr Fabio Rinaldi, an internationally respected hair researcher and Dermatologist, presented case studies of his success in treating Alopecia Areata and Androgenic Alopecia non-surgically with PRP and Dr Gianfranco Schiavone, Director of Regenerative Medicine and Plastic Surgeon at the Vatican’s Dermatologic hospital in Rome, also demonstrated impressive results using PRP in non surgical hair regeneration and facial plastic surgery.
Dr Greco, Vice President of OroGen biosciences, Inc., a Biotechnical Research and Development company, also presented future patented and patent pending growth factor/ stem technology in veterinary and human medicine for wound care, soft tissue and bone regeneration. Cases studies demonstrating “bone regeneration” with Platelet Rich Plasma utilizing a new “stem cells catalyst”, developed by OroGen was also presented by Dr Greco.
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