Yes, women experience thinning hair, too. Here’s why, and possible treatments.
We were recently asked to contribute to an article on Female hair loss in the Washington Post. Interestingly, years ago seventy percent of our hair loss patients were males wanting a surgical hair transplant, today, seventy percent of our patients are “females seeking non-s...
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Mystery of how stress turns hair gray finally solved…
“The initial breakthrough arrived at Harvard when the researchers discovered that when mice are stressed, their hair begins to grow gray due to a depletion in specific stem cells that reside in the base of hair follicles”. “These stem cells turn into pigment-pro...
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Birth Tissue, Inflammation & Hair Regeneration
BY DR. JOSEPH GRECOInflammation causes acceleration of male and female pattern hair loss and is the common thread with all autoimmune hair loss diseases like Alopecia Areata (AA), Discoid Lupus (DL), lichen planopilaris (LPP) and other cicatricial alopecia's. Therefore, re...
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What are Exosomes and what do they do?
What are Exosomes and what do they do?Exosomes or Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) are primarily used in cell signaling and are found in all bodily fluids. Cells communicate with each other using cytokines these are proteins that are excreted by one cell and tell another cell what t...
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A Consumer’s Guide to Biologics and Hair Regeneration: Biologic Experience Counts
Joseph Greco Greco Medical GroupGreco Medical Group (GMG) is conducting IRB level studies utilizing “Umbilical Cord Tissue” Medicinal Signaling Cells (MSC's) to evaluate their effectiveness regenerating hair follicles.GMG has studied and added the use of EXOSO...
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Pioneers in Biologic Hair Restoration Treatments
In 2007, Joseph Greco published our Preliminary Experience and Extended Applications for the Use of Platelet Rich Plasma in Hair Restoration Surgery 1 then, in 2009, he published The Effects of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma on Non-Transplanted Miniaturized Hair 2 and the use of...
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Other Independent PRP Studies
New Independent Study Demonstrates “New” hair growth and “Denser” hair with PRPPRP for Androgenic Alopeciaby Gilbert Amgar, MD and Pierre Bouhanna, MD, Paris, France.Dr Gilbert Amgar and Pierre Bouhanna, MD, both physicians who are experienced in hair r...
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