Advanced technology in all phases of hair restoration is the gold standard at Greco Hair Restoration.
TrichoLAB is an exclusive laboratory specializing in hair research and methods for evaluating hair and scalp disorder so we utilize the Tricholab LAB to objectively assess hair in our studies.
The H2H (Hair-to-Hair) Matching technology is an alternative approach to phototrichogram (clipped) and trichoscopy (non-clipped) image analysis. Based on a Follicular Map concept and matching of baseline and follow-up images on a hair-by-hair level, it achieves unprecedented measurement sensitivity and precision.
Virtual Tattoo® It helps to ensure that the SAME test spot is used in all examinations following the baseline. The use of augmented reality simulates tattoo marks for the test spot on the computer screen when scanning the scalp during follow-up examination. The technology also practically eliminates the risk of mistaking another spot on the scalp during follow-up examination and ensures the use of exactly the same area of measurement.
The phototrichogram (PTG) is the gold standard in hair treatment efficacy measurement. It is performed with a high-resolution microscopic image of a scalp spot with hair clipped to ca. 1mm.
An analysis of PTG images allows for the determination of the hair count, the hair shaft diameters and correlations of these parameters. To measure hair growth and anagen/telogen rates, a few days delay is allowed between clipping and imaging for hair regrowth.
Artificial Intelligence algorithms are used in combination with human expertise at Greco Hair Restoration. Our goal is to provide all patients ongoing State of the Art surgical, medical and biological treatments in hair restoration utilizing the latest advancements available.